Get to know me

Hey there new friend! I’m Sarah. It’s nice to meet you.

I’m 26 going on 36 and a recent graduate from the University of New Hampshire! My degree is a B.A in Psychology/Neuroscience with a minor in Nutrition. I hold my personal training certification through NASM and work as a holistic and body positive personal trainer in the Conway area of New Hampshire. In addition to my “in-person” training services, I offer mentoring and consulting around movement, body-image, and connecting to the body through movement to women all over the world over. If this sounds like something that is up your alley or could be supportive for you, more details can be found here!

I use sarcasm often and sass could be my middle name. On the daily I am just trying to be the best human I can be. I’m quite stubborn but I’ll always listen to the ideas and beliefs of others. I’m a big believer that we should challenge our limits each day to become better versions of ourselves.

I grew up competing in a sport that 90ish% people aren’t even aware is a nationally competitive sport… jump rope. I stopped at age twelve (although you can still find me doing an unreasonable amount of double unders to this day and even coaching a skills clinic on the rare occasion). After dealing with anxiety and self-doubt since early childhood, I developed anorexia at age 11. For years my life was entangled in the claws of my eating disorder, as it was the center of the circle which my focus revolved around. With a relapse in 2012 following an adventure race and subsequent injuries, I made the (extremely terrifying and incredibly difficult) decision to begin recovery again and jumped into what I call my true healing process.

While most of my blog posts are hiking recap related, I do write often either on this blog or over on Instagram about Anorexia recovery, misophonia, and general mental and spiritual health.

Some random tidbits about myself: I can be found frolicking in the mountains year round and have hiked all the NH 48 4000 footers. Learning new things makes me smile. Intellectual and deep conversations light my soul up. Going off that, I’m bad at small talk and it makes me cringe inside if continued for more than approximately 2 minutes. My brain tries to find ways to casually include idioms and metaphors into conversations. I enjoy yoga but feel claustrophobic in yoga classes, hello home yoga practice. Listening to podcasts is a regular pastime. If I could be outside 100% of the time, I most likely would be. I dig coloring books but have not yet fully completed one (squirrel brain). One of my biggest pet peeves is when people change lanes and then leave their blinker going. I read research articles for fun. My favorite music genres are indie, folk, and alternative rock but I listen to rap when I lift. I could most probably live off of eggs, sweet potatoes, coffee, beets, avocado, ice cream, pickles, and brussel sprouts. Lavender is my top pick scent but patchouli and pine are firm seconds. I’ve been reading blogs since I was 14, and this list of random things is getting uber long so I’m going to stop it now. Oh, and uber is one of my go-to words – you’ll see it uber often on the blog.

Why The Pursuit of an Outlier? It’s simple – I kind of am one. It’s my nature. Social norms aren’t my jam, I was never the “typical” pre-teen/teen/college student. My hobbies and pastimes are eclectic. I classify myself as an outgoing introvert and quite honestly I dig it. For me, thinking inside the box is far from entertaining. I like being a little quirky and weird and exploring everything that excites my being. I’m also a nerd at the core and outlier is a statistical term, oh how I love stats… and no, this is not sarcasm. Ultimately, when I was going over blog names time and time again in my head with no success, “The Pursuit of an Outlier” popped into my noggin and I’ve loved it ever since.

“You will always be too much of something for someone: too big, too loud, too soft, too edgy. If you round out your edges, you lose your edge.” ― Danielle LaPorte

Thank you for stopping by my site. Questions, comments, rants, and jokes always welcome.

Please feel free to contact me at: lacourse (dot) sarah (at) yahoo (dot) com, or leave a comment below or on any post!

3 thoughts on “Get to know me”

    1. Hey Alison! Thanks for the comment and checking out my page ~ I’m happy to hear you’re able to relate (minus the stats, lol!). Holla 😉

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