2014 GOALS

Oh why hello there! It’s been a little while, and by that I mean approaching two months. I’ve been busy yada-yada. What can I say classes, finals, and working my rear-end off over break got the best of me this time around. I’ve been one stress ball/walking ball of anxious energy. Things are getting better, I’m learning to accept I simply cannot do every single thing at the same time and to let things go.

I’m not one to typically make resolutions for the new year. It’s just not a priority of mine. I know my values and what makes me happy, and usually that’s enough for me. However this year something clicked in my brain and I’ve had this ridiculous amount of motivation leading me to actually write down a list of goals. Some of these I hope to fully accomplish in 2014, others just simply making some solid ground would be nice. I think it’s important to have a variety of both long-term/ongoing and short-term goals, it keeps us present and balanced in this hectic life.

A glimpse of the list of things I’d like (and plan) to accomplish.

  1. Heal all injuries: I still have a lingering stress fx and one that I’m not convinced is fully healed.
  2. Gain back, and surpass my previous strength level. Lots of heavy lifting these days, which is feeling great and I’m loving it. I can’t wait to see where this year takes me.
  3. All A’s for spring, summer, and fall semesters!
  4. BALANCE. I will be writing an entire post on this topic along. Keep those beautiful eyes peeled 😉
  5. Become a NEDA Navigator.
  6. Keep this blog going, and keep adding new content to it. Meaningful and genuine content.
  7. Accept that not everything I think is meant for me actually is. I’m a firm believer in trying something twice before marking it as “not for me”. My struggle is in accepting that it isn’t for me when in my mind I feel that I *should* be all for it.
  8. Do more yoga.
  9. Allow myself time to rest and recover. A little R&R never hurt anyone. Word on the streets is it’s also quite helpful for strength gains (oh hey goal #2).
  10. Become a Fitfluential ambassador.
  11. Compete again. This one is going to take some time I am very aware as I do not want to get back into competition before my body and mind are at peace and truly ready to go for it.
  12. Practice mindfulness and meditation. Has anyone ever tried guided meditation?
  13. Learn to make latte art. Guess you could say I pulled off a job as a barista for a reason…
  14. Strength specific goals: 180# squat, 200# deadlift, 150# bench, 12 dead-hang pull ups.
  15. Put in more effort towards my social life. I’m an introvert and the simple act of going out and catching up with friends can sometimes be overly daunting.
  16. Research more in general. Topics of interest: integrative medicine, holistic practice, adrenal dysfunction/over-training, supplementation, the effects of training on the neuromuscular system, ect. I’ve recently been enjoying some of the articles on Breaking Muscle, Chris Kresser, and Ancestralize Me.
  17. Prioritize mobility and preventative work (this partially goes with #1).
  18. Keep working towards the elusive goal of optimal health, whatever that actually may be for my body.


Valid statement.

Forget conventionalisms; forget what the world thinks of you stepping out of your place; think your best thoughts, speak your best works, work you best works, looking to your own conscience for approval.” – Susan B. Anthony.

4 thoughts on “2014 GOALS”

  1. Welcome back :). I love your goals for the new year and how you’re focusing on balance. Good luck with school too. Thanks for writing, it was great to see you back on my reader :).

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